The Initiative

At Verizon, we have a role in shaping a brighter future in our communities. We understand the impact supplier diversity has on fueling job creation, business growth and economic empowerment.  With the support of present and future generations of diverse entrepreneurs we know we can offer the best innovative products, services and solutions our customers have come to expect from us.

“Providing the best service on the best network means working with a diverse set of suppliers. Verizon is committed to supplier diversity and economic inclusion because it ensures our customers have access to superior service and experiences. A diverse and inclusive supply chain is not only the right thing to do, it’s smart business.”

Hans Vestberg, Chairman and CEO  

Reimbursement Eligibility

Eligibility to participate in Verizon’s certification reimbursement program requires that you and your company meet the following requirements:

  • Verizon will reimburse the application + certification fee.
  • Valid for new and renewal certifications.
  • Must be United States citizens.
  • Must be at least 51% minority owned, managed, and controlled. 
  • Must be an independent for-profit enterprise and physically located in the U.S. or its trust territories.
  • Management and daily operations must be exercised by the minority ownership member(s).

This reimbursement initiative is available on a first-come first-serve basis.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact our team at:

Submission Form


The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) certification for minority business enterprises (MBEs) comes with numerous benefits and services, including educational programs plus a wide range of networking opportunities.