NMSDC Announces 2025 EYE Participants


Members of the 2024 EYE cohort graduates at the 2024 NMSDC Annual Conference & Exchange in Atlanta

The 전국 소수 공급업체 개발 위원회(NMSDC) recently announced the 10th cohort of the 신진 청년 기업가(EYE) 프로그램. EYE는 차세대 소수계 기업가(19~35세)에게 혁신적인 비즈니스를 시작하거나 성장시킬 수 있는 기술, 도구, 전략을 제공하기 위해 9개월간 진행되는 특별한 프로그램입니다. 올해의 신진 젊은 기업가는 다음과 같습니다:

“In this increasingly uncertain social and economic environment, it is more important than ever before that we provide the minority business leaders of the future the opportunities they need to succeed,” said NMSDC Senior Director of MBE Services and Strategic Partnerships Jetheda Hernandez. “These young entrepreneurs are key to building a more inclusive, impactful economy that works for all,” she added.

Beginning this year, NMSDC will partner with the Howard University and PNC National Center for Entrepreneurship to offer an enhanced learning curriculum for the program. The National Center for Entrepreneurship will provide this year’s EYE participants with an eight-module curriculum to empower them with the skills and tools to grow their innovative businesses. Course offerings include:

  • Defining Your Business Model and Discovering Your Customers.
  • From Digital to Dollars: Using Digital Marketing to Acquire Customers.
  • Building a Brand Through Content Creation.
  • Producing a Profit and Knowing Your Numbers.
  • Measuring Success: Metrics and Data Driven Decision Making.
  • Communicating Effectively: Keys to An Effective Pitch.
  • Process and Procedures: Using Artificial Intelligence and Other Technology to Automate Operations.
  • Startup to Scale: Strategies to Grow.

In addition, NMSDC is continuing its partnership with McPherson, Berry & Associates to facilitate and manage the program and provide additional capacity-building opportunities for this year’s program.

EYE participants must obtain NMSDC MBE certification (if they are not already certified). They will also have the opportunity to compete in a pitch competition at the 2025 Annual Conference in Exchange, which will take place in Miami from Nov. 2 to 5. For more information on the EYE program, visit nmsdc.org/programs/emerging-young-entrepreneurs-program/.

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