39th Annual Alliance Northwest


The 39th Annual Alliance Northwest is the largest business-to-government conference in the Pacific Northwest. This event features an exhibit hall, high-quality workshops and pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings between government representatives, primes, and businesses. Hosted by Thurston Economic Development Council, home of APEX ACCELERATORS, Alliance Northwest has a strong history of providing quality outreach events for government representatives to connect with small and diverse businesses.

This year’s event will be in-person at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in downtown Tacoma with easy access to Interstate 5. Alliance Northwest participants will enjoy a full day of networking, training sessions, and a keynote luncheon speaker.


The 39th Annual Alliance Northwest is the largest business-to-government conference in the Pacific Northwest. This event features an exhibit hall, high-quality workshops and pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings between government representatives, primes, and businesses. Hosted by Thurston Economic Development Council, home of APEX ACCELERATORS, Alliance Northwest has a strong history of providing quality outreach events for government representatives to connect with small and diverse businesses.

This year’s event will be in-person at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in downtown Tacoma with easy access to Interstate 5. Alliance Northwest participants will enjoy a full day of networking, training sessions, and a keynote luncheon speaker.

Greater Tacoma Convention Center

1500 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402

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