The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) certification comes with numerous benefits and services. Our mission involves connecting minority business enterprises (MBEs) with corporations, the public sector, and other MBEs to help them benefit from each other—fueling entrepreneurship and growing wealth in systemically excluded communities.
Certified minority businesses gain opportunities to network with our corporate members, pitch their business, and access educational programs and financial solutions.
While certification does not guarantee a major contract, it does create opportunities to leverage the NMSDC network and events to reach potential customers who understand the business imperative of building an inclusive supplier base.
MBE 服务/福利
- MBE Database – Certified businesses build searchable profiles in our database of MBEs, which corporations and other MBEs use to find potential suppliers. Showcase your company to potential customers through video, capability statements, and AI-integrated search.
- 访问 – MBEs gain exposure to hundreds of member corporations and 17,000+ other MBEs, creating opportunities to engage in business, form partnerships, establish strategic alliances, and build joint ventures for success.
- 会议与交流 - NMSDC 及其地区分支机构举办美国最大的少数民族企业发展会议。少数族裔企业可在同一场合向数百名潜在买家、政府机构和采购专业人士展示自己。
- 能力建设 - 通过与以下机构的合作,NMSDC 在 MBE 的整个业务生命周期中为其创造了获得资本的机会 商业联合会基金,"...... 增长倡议认证和 资本经理计划.
- 合同机会 – NMSDC facilitates business connections between buying agencies and MBEs, laying the groundwork for future partnerships and business growth.
- 定制教育与发展 – NMSDC offers a wide range of programs, targeted training, and technical assistance to help build stronger, more sustainable businesses, while also developing leadership tools for MBE CEOs.
- 交流机会 – NMSDC helps expand your network and strengthen your business relationships through intentional, high-impact connections.
*欲了解更多信息,请联系 地区分支机构 离贵公司总部最近
What Certified Businesses Can Expect
- A national certification, valid across the U.S.
- Access to national programs that help your business develop and scale
- Alignment with a local affiliate council that provides regional networking events, training, mentorship programs, and other development opportunities
- Inclusion in the MBE Search database, used by corporations and MBEs to find potential suppliers and partners
- Discounted registration fees for NMSDC national events
- Eligibility to participate in NMSDC development programs
- Advocacy for minority-owned businesses
- Participation in groups and committees working to further inclusion in your industry
- RFPs, business leads, and alerts for procurement opportunities from corporate members
- eNewsletters and a calendar of events
- Webinars and educational programs
- Networking and matchmaking events

If you want access to regional affiliate events and opportunities in areas outside your home region, you can subscribe to services from multiple regions.
Regional corporations, local governments, and quasi-government agencies sometimes choose to become local corporate members, interacting only with locally certified MBEs. All MBEs are automatically included in their home region, but you can include yourself in more local conversations and opportunities by subscribing to additional regions.
Subscribe to regions via the NMSDC Hub.
Ready to See If You Qualify for Certification?
If you believe your business may be eligible, begin by reviewing the certification requirements, exploring the definition of an MBE, and understanding the necessary documentation.
Certification fees are based on business size and will be outlined during the process. Documentation to verify minority status is required.
Our national certification team is here to support you every step of the way.