15 de octubre de 2024
Inicio Centro MBE para el Crecimiento Acelerado Innovación y Resiliencia
Acceso al capital
Acceso al capital
El NMSDC se esfuerza por salvar la brecha entre las conexiones de capital y las MBE desatendidas proporcionando el acceso a las redes y herramientas necesarias para impulsar la equidad económica y crear riqueza generacional.
Connecting You to Capital Resources
Access to capital is crucial for the formation and growth of small businesses, serving as the lifeblood that fuels their success. Unfortunately, minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs) often face challenges in obtaining the necessary capital to thrive.
The relationship between access to capital and access to contracts is symbiotic for MBEs. Both are essential for their survival and growth. However, these vital resources do not always come at the same time. MBEs frequently struggle to secure the funding they need, both during the startup phase and in the years that follow.
It is imperative that we address the disparities in access to capital faced by MBEs to ensure their success in the competitive business landscape. By providing support and resources to help MBEs overcome these challenges, we can foster a more inclusive and thriving business environment for all entrepreneurs.
That is why NMSDC has developed access to capital resources to help bridge this gap and support the success of MBEs.
Enroll in the NMSDC Capital Readiness Program
Powered by the MBDA, this program is offered through the NMSDC Center for Accelerated Growth, Innovation, and Resiliency. It aims to bridge the gap between MBEs and essential resources, ensuring sustainable growth. Participants will have access to capital readiness content, funding resources, on-demand webinars, and self-paced programs focused on scaling, government contracting, and financial preparedness for MBEs.
Capital Managers Database
En el NMSDC somos conscientes de los retos a los que se enfrentan los empresarios de comunidades infrarrepresentadas a la hora de acceder a la financiación necesaria para poner en marcha, hacer crecer y mantener sus negocios. Para ayudar a hacer frente a estos retos, el NMSDC ha lanzado el Programa de Gestores de Capital, la base de datos más completa de empresas de capital con un fundador de minoría étnica y/o un enfoque en el ecosistema empresarial de las minorías.