Beginning in March 2024, BP is offering an eight-month development program for certified diverse businesses that provides training, mentoring, tools, and resources to help your company compete for business within the energy, oil, and gas industry.
How to Apply.
- Register in BP’s supplier diversity portal here:
- Apply today for the opportunity by March 5.
- Wait for a response to your application by mid-March.
Who Can Apply?
To apply your company must meet the following requirements:
- Certification through preferred BP partners: WBENC, NMSDC, Disability:IN, NaVOBA, or NGLCC.
- 3+ years in business.
- Minimum annual revenue of $750,000 to $50M.
- Offers products/services related to the following categories by geographic focus:
- Gulf of Mexico
- Logistics and fuel – cargo carrying unit rentals.
- Logistics and fuel – tank cleaning.
- Wells services and subsurfaces/Drilling – specialty geoscience.
- Wells services and subsurfaces/drilling – piping.
- Nationally
- Uniforms.
- HVAC manufacturers and service providers.
- Asphalt paving.
- Fire life safety: fire suppression, extinguishers, sprinklers, fire alarm monitoring.
- Refrigeration equipment providers and maintenance.
- Coffee.
- Packaged beverages.
- Whiting, Ind. or Blaine, Wash.
- Landscaping services and snow removal.
- Modular offices.
- Engineered equipment.
- Contingent labor – refining services.
- Gulf of Mexico
For more information
To learn more about this opportunity email