Ohio MSDC: Supplier Diversity Exchange

Columbus, OH
Register Today!

The Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council is pleased to present the 2024 Supplier Diversity Exchange (SDX). Hosted at the Nationwide Hotel & Conference Center, SDX gathers Ohio’s corporate leaders, minority business owners, and economic equity advocates to showcase corporate pacesetters in the areas of Supplier Diversity & Economic Inclusion and to empower minority-owned businesses to create connections within America’s corporate supply chains.


Join the Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council on Thursday, September 26, for this impactful event. Corporate leaders in the growth of Ohio’s minority business ecosystem will share their company’s vision of how MBEs play a role in business development. They will discuss the strategies pivotal to their success, provide guidance on how MBEs can get involved in their organizations, and offer a preview of current and upcoming opportunities.


Strategic partners Headline

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Submit an Event

Are you a corporate member that wants to invite certified MBEs to an upcoming event? Or an NMSDC strategic partner that wants to highlight your upcoming conference? Feature your event on the NMSDC events calendar and we will lift it up on the national stage.