For many years NMSDC and CAMSC have worked together to strengthen our global partnerships to open a pathway to greater access for MBE growth opportunities. This mutually beneficial partnership will focus on the mission of NMSDC and will help further the following key goals:
- PROMOTE: Amplify each other’s mission through outreach with government agencies, corporations, and MBEs/certified suppliers.
- CERTIFY: Certify qualified MBEs/certified suppliers by verifying their viability, practices, and capacity for growth.
- DEVELOP: Assist and enable MBEs/certified suppliers to expand their visions and capabilities to meet the needs of corporate members.
- CONNECT: Introduce and facilitate a mutually beneficial business relationship between MBEs/certified suppliers and corporate members.
- ADVOCATE: Promote and strengthen a universal understanding of the value of minority supplier development.
This partnership will honor each other’s certified MBEs/certified suppliers (those consistent with NMSDC recognized minorities) and grant them the same discounts and participation privileges at their respective events.
MBEs, if you are interested in doing business with national corporations that have a presence in Canada, CAMSC is an organization that can assist with your international efforts. You can receive subscription certification with that organization and begin to formulate relationships with other minority businesses and procurement professionals looking to do business with MBEs of scale.
National Corporate Members, you will now be able to find in your local Council Canadian owned minority owned businesses who are looking to partner with US MBEs and compete for your business. NMSDC will only count the spend of US based MBEs.
RMSDC partners, CAMSC MBEs can begin subscribing to your Council and be included in your local activities.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at