Beyond the Chain: Diversifying Supply & Unpacking the Power of Subcontracting


Unlock Growth, Expand Opportunities, and Strengthen Your Competitive Edge!

Join us for an exclusive NMSDC Capital Readiness Program webinar, “Beyond the Chain: Diversifying Supply & Unpacking the Power of Subcontracting,” where we explore how MBEs and SEDIs can leverage subcontracting as a strategic pathway to growth, increased market access, and corporate partnerships.

Gain exclusive access to insights from industry leaders who have successfully leveraged subcontracting to scale their businesses, developed strategic approaches to maximize opportunities in supply chains, and coached other enterprises on navigating subcontracting relationships for sustainable growth and long-term success.

Who Should Attend?

MBEs & Small Diverse Businesses looking to expand into corporate and government supply chains small businesses seeking subcontracting partnerships. Companies interested in diversifying procurement strategies.


How to position your business for subcontracting opportunities. The benefits of diverse supplier integration in major supply chains. Strategies to connect with prime contractors and win more contracts.





Strategic partners Headline

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