Simplified Strategic Planning: 8 Steps to Clarifying Your Vision and Execution Plan

Join us for a hands-on webinar that will walk you through a simplified approach to strategic planning using one of the most powerful tools that the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) has to offer.

Join us for a hands-on webinar that will walk you through a simplified approach to strategic planning using one of the most powerful tools that the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) has to offer.

As an attendee, you’ll walk away with clear and actionable steps to position yourself for success in 2025.

Don’t miss out on the September workshop!





Strategic partners Headline

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Are you a corporate member that wants to invite certified MBEs to an upcoming event? Or an NMSDC strategic partner that wants to highlight your upcoming conference? Feature your event on the NMSDC events calendar and we will lift it up on the national stage.