Event Submissions

Thank you for your interest in highlighting your event to National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) stakeholders. Please use the form below and we will review your entry for inclusion on the NMSDC events calendar. 

Event/Calendar Submissions Form

Please Note:

  • Only one (1) event per form.
  • Only relevant and upcoming events will be posted on the NMSDC events calendar.
  • Submission must be received two (2) weeks prior to event.
  • NMSDC reserves the right to adjust the entry or decide not to post the event to the NMSDC events calendar at its sole discretion.

Event Information

日(DD)斜线 MM(MM)斜线 YYYYY
Start Time
End Time
日(DD)斜线 MM(MM)斜线 YYYYY
接受的文件类型:jpg, jpeg, png, webp, 最大文件大小:50 MB.
Upload a banner image for the Event page. 1440 x 800 or higher is best.
接受的文件类型:jpg, jpeg, png, webp, 最大文件大小:50 MB.
Upload an image for the venue. This will also be used as featured image for post feeds. 700 x 500 or close to it is good.


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