39 Central Indiana Corporations Spent $650 Million in 2020
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council (Mid-States MSDC) recognizes 39 Central Indiana corporations (see attached image) that spent more than $650 Million with Black-owned businesses in 2020.

Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council
“Last year, in response to Black Lives Matter, numerous corporations issued statements in support of the Black community, but sadly, many of them have not committed to purchasing from Black businesses or have established goals to spend dollars with diverse suppliers,” said Carolyn Mosby, President/CEO of the Mid-States MSDC. “We wanted to acknowledge those companies that are purchasing from Black businesses, creating jobs and impacting the overall economic development and empowerment of communities of color in Central Indiana. Thirty-nine corporations have made the commitment and are part of our organization at the local and national level, but there are many more that should,” said Mosby. “When you look at the 100 largest corporations in Indiana, only 13 are affiliated with our organization. We need to increase that number, and we are here to help. Corporate America established us almost 50 years ago to help them certify, develop and connect diverse suppliers with corporate purchasing opportunities.”
Richard Wise, Mid-States MSDC Board Chair and Supplier Diversity Administrator for Citizens Energy Group, said, “Our committed corporate members are re-writing the history of the American Dream with Black entrepreneurs as their business partners. As the march continues, we invite you to join us.”
Corporations interested in establishing a supplier diversity program or identifying qualified minority businesses should contact the Mid-States MSDC by calling 317.921.2675 or visiting www.midstatesmsdc.org/local-membership.
The Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council (Mid-States MSDC) is one of 23 regional affiliates of the National Minority Supplier Development Council. Our network is the nation’s most dynamic force in developing successful relationships between America’s top corporations and supply-chain providers from the Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Native American communities.
Our mission is to accelerate economic growth by driving opportunities and collaboration between corporations and minority businesses. The Mid-States MSDC’s footprint includes Central Illinois, Indiana, and Eastern Missouri. We connect our corporate members with qualified minority-owned suppliers of all sizes that meet a high standard of excellence. We ensure that standard through certification, business development, business connections, and advocacy. Visit us at www.midstatesmsdc.org.
CONTACT: Carolyn Mosby – carolyn.mosby@midstatesmsdc.org
Source: Cision