Equity in Business Podcast: NMSDC’s 2023 Minority Businesses Economic Impact Report


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In this episode of the NMSDC Equity in Business Podcast, we discuss the NMSDC’s 2023 Minority Businesses Economic Impact Report. Joining us are NMSDC CEO and president Ying McGuire and Supplier.io CEO Aylin Basom. Together, they provide an insightful overview of the report’s highlights, discuss how these findings can drive meaningful change, and explore ways to support NMSDC’s goal of reaching $1 trillion in NMSDC-certified MBE revenue by 2030.

Key learnings include:

  • An in-depth understanding of what an economic impact report entails.
  • Insight into the key metrics NMSDC monitors and their significance.
  • Practical applications of economic impact reports to foster change.
  • Opportunities for involvement in helping NMSDC achieve its $1 trillion revenue target for MBEs.

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Ying McGuireCEO and presidentNMSDC
Aylin BasomCEOSupplier.io

Host and Production Specialist

John G. Daniel is a believer, advocate for underserved communities, and published writer, with vast transformative leadership experience in the energy sector, economic development, hurricane recovery, and youth/community education and empowerment. Itoro Umontuen is the Editor of this project and is an award-winning photographer, reporter, and mixed-media journalist.

About the Equity in Business Podcast

The United States is facing a racial wealth gap that has existed for over 330 years. But at the same time, businesses run by systematically excluded communities of color (Asian-Indian, Asian-Pacific, Black, Hispanic, and Native American) still contribute over $400 billion to the U.S. economy, even though these communities face barriers to information, capital, and contracts. Hosted by the NMSDC, this podcast channel explores how growing minority business enterprises (MBEs) is central to not only addressing the racial wealth gap but also creating a stronger, more resilient society for all.

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