Steps to Success from NMSDC-Certified MBE Zeus Financial

Access to Capital

Zeus Financial LLC (Zeus), a FINRA registered Broker Dealer headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida is executing a plan to bring historically underrepresented groups, specifically women and minorities, into the financial services industry. Since becoming certified as a minority business enterprise (MBE) in August 2022, Zeus has designed and implemented a laddered program to raise individuals from entry-level positions to opportunities that can create generational wealth.

Step 1: Historically underrepresented groups, specifically women and minorities, are encouraged to participate in Zeus’ scholarship and mentorship program for FINRA’s entry-level certification exam, the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE). Zeus provides study materials, mentorship, and financial sponsorship for the SIE Exam.

Step 2: Zeus Internship Program utilizes Zeus’ seasoned industry professionals to actively mentor participants, sharing professional insights gleaned from years in the financial services industry. Interns work alongside staff and traders on specific projects, gaining real-world experience and skills.

Step 3: Entry-level jobs are available for qualified candidates to learn all aspects of the business, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about opportunities that are available within the industry. Work experience provides personal insight into the actual duties and daily activities across multiple career paths: Operations, Compliance, FinTech, Accounting, Risk, Customer Service, Marketing, Sales, and Trading. Opportunities are also available in investment advisory services. All of these and more are lucrative careers in the financial services industry.

Step 4: Those desiring to progress in the industry are sponsored for the Series 7 or other FINRA licenses/certifications.

Landing: Now a career path decision point is reached which can lead to a career that is both personally and professionally rewarding, with the hope of fostering generational wealth. Zeus is working to practically support and encourage those who want to climb the ladder to success.

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