NMSDC Capital Readiness Program: Connecting to Contract Opportunities for Minority-Owned Businesses.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with valuable resources for securing capital for your business by joining NMSDC on April 19th for capital connections day.This webinar is designed to provide valuable insights and practical strategies for minority-owned businesses (MBEs) seeking to access contract opportunities and expand their market presence.

Webinar Agenda: Understanding the landscape of contract opportunities for MBEs Strategies for identifying and pursuing contract opportunities (Public, Private and Government) Leveraging partnerships and networks to access lucrative contracts (1) featured success story and best practices from experienced MBE Q&A session with industry experts

Capital Connections Webinar 052924

This webinar is designed to provide valuable insights and practical strategies for minority-owned businesses (MBEs) seeking to access contract opportunities and expand their market presence.

Webinar Agenda: Understanding the landscape of contract opportunities for MBEs Strategies for identifying and pursuing contract opportunities (Public, Private and Government) Leveraging partnerships and networks to access lucrative contracts (1) featured success story and best practices from experienced MBE Q&A session with industry experts

Strategic partners Headline

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Are you a corporate member that wants to invite certified MBEs to an upcoming event? Or an NMSDC strategic partner that wants to highlight your upcoming conference? Feature your event on the NMSDC events calendar and we will lift it up on the national stage.