Enhanced MBE Search is Coming to the NMSDC Database


Picture of United States in Blue and Green with nodes connecting people icons across the country. There are also people's hands visible on the borders of the image.

New and improved MBE search is coming to NMSDC’s database in January 2024. These changes, aimed at creating a more intuitive user experience, will make it easier for NMSDC corporate members to search for MBEs that fit their specific business needs. This improved functionality will ensure the NMSDC database better aids you in achieving your company’s supplier and business diversity goals.

The new features include:

United Nations Standard Products and Services Codes (UNSPSC) and NAICS Code Descriptions Serving as Keywords
These global business codes will enrich MBE profiles with more searchable keywords, enabling NMSDC corporate members to more easily find MBEs that fulfill their contracting needs. And for corporations familiar with the codes themselves, they can be used to find precise matches to meet your needs.

Improved Profile Details, Sorting, and Filtering Capabilities
MBE profiles will now come with more information, like capability statements and introduction videos, and be regularly updated by MBEs in the database. Furthermore, we will be adding more sophisticated sorting and filtering capabilities to help fine-tune your searches. This will ensure you can find the right MBEs for your business need(s).

Unlimited Data Export
Several of our corporate members let us know that this cap on records was a problem and requested we remove it. Thanks to that feedback, we’re happy to share that in the new database, there will be no limit on the number of records you’re able to export.

Ability to See Expired Certifications and In-Progress Renewals
One of the biggest advantages of NMSDC membership is the ability to do business with MBEs that have been verified through our gold-standard certification. To ensure you have the latest information on the MBEs in the NMSDC database and help you in your efforts to encourage MBEs to renew their certification, we are adding the ability to reliably confirm the certification status of the MBEs in the database, no matter where they are in their certification journey.

Don’t want to wait for the official rollout of the new database to check out these exciting new features? Join us at this year’s Annual Conference & Exchange in Baltimore October 22 – 25. NMSDC certification staff will be running interactive demos in the NMSDC booth during the Exchange!

Be one of the first to see the new and improved database by registering for this year’s Annual Conference & Exchange at nmsdcconference.org/2023/register.

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