NMSDC Career Plans and Employee Expectations


Employees typically want to excel in their careers and be recognized for their contribution to the organization.

NMSDC Career Plans and Employee ExpectationsThis involves better compensation, a higher position, and more responsibilities. Therefore, communicating clear expectations regarding an employee’s professional development and career growth opportunities right from the beginning is vital to retain top talent.

There are many insightful training courses for managers where you will learn some practical techniques to help employees advance in their careers. One of the most recommended courses that will educate managers about guiding employees on career choices and communicating expectations in the right way is the NMSDC Career Plans and Employee Expectations course. This course gives guidelines for facilitating a meaningful, positive discussion about an employee’s career potential to establish realistic expectations and maintain their focus and morale.


The on-the-job exercise with step-by-step instructions will help you develop on-the-job capabilities.

Career Moves
A well-defined career development path helps employees enhance their skills and knowledge and make the right career moves. This is an ongoing process where both employers, as well as employees, strive together to achieve business objectives. Based on that, let’s discuss on what basis an employee should be considered for a career move:

Upward Move or Promotion
If the person’s work and performance are exceptional and is committed to working for the organization. In the future, such a person can deal with more complex roles and higher levels of responsibility. This person exhibits great potential and has already become proficient in their current job. They would be ideal for management roles or senior positions and should be considered for a promotion or upward move in the future.

Lateral Move
In a lateral move, there is a switch to a new position with the amount of workload, level of responsibilities, and pay grade remaining the same for this employee. However, as this person will be exposed to an altogether different side of the business, they should be considered for a role requiring new knowledge, skills, and opportunities.

No Movement
The person should not be assigned more responsibilities or an increase in challenging work than the current job position demands.

Discussion Guidelines

NMSDC Career Plans and Employee ExpectationsAs a manager, you need to communicate directly with your employees to keep them in the right direction in their careers. Here’s what you must keep in mind:

Desires and Expectations
Clearly outline your expectations and goals that you want your employee to achieve with examples. Allow your employee to share what kind of tasks and roles they wish to take on in the future. Design a plan based on your employee’s career choices and decisions.

Current Capabilities
Try to deliver constructive feedback on your employee’s current skills and capabilities. Let the employee also give their opinions.

Potential Moves
Based on the employee’s current skill set, share what career moves would be possible or most appropriate and why. Be discreet and specific. Remember, positive feedback is crucial for employee engagement and performance enhancement. Give your employee a chance to express their concerns too openly.

The Future
Discuss the future aspects. Tell your employee why they are an asset to the team and explain how the employee has the potential to leave a positive impact within the organization. Guide your employee toward what kind of roles and positions would best suit their skills and capabilities.

How to Register

For more information and to register, visit www.nmsdclearning.com to register and subscribe to the plan that best suits your needs.

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