Certification Process

National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) certification recognizes those businesses that apply for certification and meet the eligibility criteria. Getting certified begins with gaining an understanding of the certification criteria and gathering the necessary information and documentation to complete the application. A dedicated team of certification specialists will review your application and work with you should you have any questions. 

Important Message about Certification Transition

NMSDC is currently transitioning from 23 local certification platforms to one new integrated system. The migration to the new system will occur through 2025. Regardless of which system you are certified on, the same criteria and guidelines apply. More information coming soon.

We have begun the migration with the Michigan and Mid-States regions. Beginning March 28, 2025, new certification applications will be started in the new certification system and processed by the new national team. Also beginning on March 28, 2025 the applications that are already completed or in progress will be migrated to the new the new system. As a result of the migration, in progress applications will be frozen for up to 18 days. On Aptil 15, 2025 work can continue on those applications in the new system, The NMSDC Hub.

If your business’ primary physical address is serviced by any of the following regional affiliates, and you are applying on or after the certification application date referenced here, you are on the new system per the dates referenced above.

  • Michigan MSDC
  • Mid-States MSDC

Businesses aligned with the other regional affiliates should still access their local affiliate’s website to pursue MBE certification or renewal of current certification. 

All businesses seeking Growth Initiative certification,  minority controlled companies (MCC), minority publicly controlled companies (MPC), or investment fund companies (IFC), regardless of location, will apply through the new system.

Certification Process

Types of NMSDC Certifications

NMSDC offers the following types of certification:

MBE Certification

MBE certification is the gold standard for minority-owned for-profit businesses, and it is the certification that NMSDC has offered for its more than 50-year history. It requires that businesses are at least 51% owned, managed, and controlled by qualified minority group members.

A qualified minority group member is a U.S. citizen who is at least 25% Asian-Indian, Asian-Pacific, Black, Hispanic, or Native American. Minority eligibility is established via a combination of document reviews, screenings, interviews, and site visits. Ownership, in the case of a publicly owned business, means that at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more qualified minority group members.

MCC and MPC Certification

Minority Controlled Company (MCC) and Minority Publicly Controlled Company (MPC) certifications are newer certifications that apply to minority-owned companies that have taken on investment capital to grow their business, and as a result may no longer meet the stringent ownership guidelines of MBE certification.

IFC Certification

Investment Fund Company (IFC) certification is for minority-owned investment funds that are helping minority businesses scale.

Documentation Required

The certification progress is rigorous. Required documentation depends on the business structure, the complexity of the ownership structure, and the type of business being certified. All businesses can expect to provide the following:

  • A completed online application, e-signed by the primary owner.
  • Proof of citizenship and eligible minority ethnicity, for at least 51% of the ownership of the company.
  • A resume for each qualified minority owner, comprising at least 51% ownership.
  • Proof of the business’s Federal Tax ID (EIN).
  • Business formation documents.
  • Proof of the initial capital investment in the business.
  • Relevant business licenses.
  • Last two years of tax filings.
  • Current invoices with proof of payment.

If the company is a LLP or Ltd., applicants must submit the legal documents for all companies involved.  For example, if the GP is a LLC, the applicant must submit documents for the Partnership and the LLC.

  • Articles of Partnership(for LLP|Ltd)
  • Certificate of limited partnership or certificate of formation(for LLP|Ltd)
  • Partnership agreements (to include buy-out rights and profit sharing)
  • Proof of capital investment (i.e. both side of cancelled checks, initial deposits, bank statements)
  • Proof of partnership purchase (i.e. both sides of cancelled checks, deposit slips, bank statements)
  • Assumed Name Certificate (filed with the Secretary of State) (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Corporation
  • Article of Incorporation or certificate of formation (stamped copy from the Secretary of State)
  • Articles of Amendment or Certificate of Amendment (if applicable)
  • Corporate Bylaws or governing documents
  • Proof of Capital Investment (i.e. both side of cancelled checks, equipment receipts, initial deposits, bank statements)
  • Minutes of 1st organizational board meeting
  • Minutes of the last board meeting
  • Minutes of the last meeting where officers were elected
  • Copies of both sides of all stock certificates issued (no specimen)
  • Copies of both sides of the next consecutive stock certificate not issued
  • Current stock ledger
  • Proof of stock purchase (i.e. both sides of cancelled checks, deposit slips, bank statements)
  • Copy of the purchase or buy|sell agreement with the corresponding proof of payments)(if applicable)
  • Copy of any stock options or other ownership options outstanding as well as agreements which restrict ownership or control of minority owners (if applicable)
  • Assumed Name Certificate (filed with the Secretary of State) (if applicable)
  • Certificate of organization
  • Articles of Organization or Certificate of Formation (stamped copy from the Secretary of State)
  • Articles of Amendment or Certificate of Amendment (if applicable)
  • Operating Agreement
  • Proof of Capital Investment (i.e. both side of cancelled checks, equipment receipts, initial deposits, bank statements)
  • Minutes of the organizational meeting or minutes of the meeting
  • Minutes of the last meeting where managers or members were identified and elected
  • Copy of both sides of all certificates of ownership issued (no specimen)
  • Copy of both sides of next consecutive membership unit certificate not issued
  • Copy of ownership transfer ledger or copy of membership transfer ledger
  • Proof of unit purchase (i.e. both sides of cancelled checks, deposit slips, bank statements)
  • Copy of the purchase or buy|sell agreement with the corresponding proof of payments)(if applicable)
  • Copy of any membership unit options or other ownership options outstanding as well as agreements which restrict ownership or control of minority owners (if applicable)

Frequently Asked Questions

Certification Process

It is our goal to complete certification reviews within 45 business days of the application being submitted.

NMSDC certifications are valid for one year. A brief renewal application should be submitted within 90 days of the expiration date, so a certification can continue uninterrupted.

  • Rates for initial certification vary depending on the size of the business. Certification for businesses with revenue under $1 million can be as low as $270, while rates for businesses with annual revenue over $50 million can be as high as $1,700.
  • Locate your regional affiliate and then look up the relevant certification and renewal fees on their website.
  • A certification team specialist will review your application and documentation. They will contact you if there are any additional details required and to schedule either a site visit or a virtual interview. They will also contact the references you provided and conduct any other research necessary to determine if your business meets the qualifications for certification.
  • Once the evaluation is complete, you will be contacted with the results.
  • Certified businesses will be added to the database of minority-owned businesses used by corporations and governments to find suppliers.
  • Certified businesses will also be given access to that database so you too can seek out other certified minority-owned businesses to work with.
  • Certified businesses will also be referred to your local affiliate partner organization so you can take advantage of local networking and development activities, as well as national programs and events.

Ready to Get Certified?

If the above applies to you and your business, email our certification team at certification@nmsdc.org to learn more about the certification process, types of certifications, and required documentation.

Certification fees are based on business size and will be shared during the process. Documentation to verify minority status will be required.

Our national certification team is here to guide you every step of the way.